Sunday, June 5, 2022

Psychology Study Guides for Aspiring Students

Now-a-days, in the times of fast growing technological enhancement which is making People busy in their day-to-day work to earn a better living while Childrens & Teenagers are loaded with going through heavy burden of academic syllabus, competitive exams and goal based-profession. 

Stress, anxiety and depression too become a part of One's life. Family relations are strained leads to isolation. Here, we need the support of Psychologists (Counseling / Clinical) to overcome our distress. Thus, subject Psychology has become a emerging field in today's world especially in India where every inch of area is studded with multi-religious population having variable standards of living.

Pursuing the path to become a Good Psychologist is not easy, as we ourselves be a victim of emotional fluctuations in time-to-time. 

Since centuries, there has been lot of experimental field research conducted and documented by students of psychology in every part of World which are categorized into various divisional branches. 

Lots of books and articles published both offline and online. But finding a right book to learn is very difficult especially for Students who are preparing for competitive exams.

I am sure below books not only cultivate your knowledge in Psychology but also you will score more than 90% Marks in Exams.

Following Books Published with FAQ [total Questions with Answers]:

1) Cognitive, Life Span and Personality Theories [124]

2) Advanced Social Psychology [66]

3) Formulae in Psychological Statistics [22]

4) Research Methods in Psychology [44]

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Delusion and Sexual Obsession in Geriatrics (Case -4)

In the First Week of May, I received call from a lady in 30s who seek Counseling for her Parents. Her parents are living with her for past 6 months since 2021 November. Her mother (64) is suffering from delusion while her father (75) having sexual obsession.

I have visited to their house in Gachibowli, Hyderabad for 3 days dated 11th, 13th May and 18th May 2022.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Michael Argyle - UK Social Psychologist Biography

John Michael Argyle (August 11, 1925 – September 6, 2002) born in Nottingham, England,  was the only child of Phyllis and George Edgar Argyle, both of whom died when Michael was eleven years old (Coleman 2004). He attended the Nottingham High School for Boys and entered the University of Cambridge to study Mathematics. He spent most of his career at the University of Oxford, and supervised over 50 doctoral students as well as conducting research into a wide range of topics.

Michael's interest in psychology began with his observation of a school friend who was very shy and did not interact successfully in social situations. Wondering if social skills might not be learned in the same way as manual skills led Argyle to research interpersonal behavior.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Gordon Allport - American Psychologist Bio

Gordon Willard Allport (November 11, 1897 - October 9, 1967) was an American Psychologist born in Montezuma, Indiana, who played a major role in shaping the fields of Personality psychology and Social psychology

 He had wide-ranging interests in eidetic imagery, religion, social attitudes, rumor, and radio.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Alfred Adler - Austrian Psychologist Biography & Theories

Alfred Adler born in Penzig, a suburb of ViennaAustria in 1870 and raised in Vienna,  was the third child of a Jewish grain merchant and his wife. 

Adler pursued medical career at the University of Vienna Medical School due to childhood illnesses and the traumatic death of a younger sibling and qualified in 1895.

In 1897, Alfred married to Raissa Timofeyewna Epstein, an intellectual and social activist from Russia and later parented four children, two of whom became psychiatrists.