Thursday, May 21, 2020

Development Stages of Proprium as described by Allport

Proprium comes from the word ‘Propriate’ which is Allport’s name for essential concept, the Self.  Allport believed that most human behavior is motivated by something very different-functioning in a manner, expressive of the Self which he called “Propriate Functioning” – can be characterized as proactive, future-oriented and psychological.

In other terms, doing things in keeping with what we really are, that is Propriate Functioning.

Psychologist Gordon Allport quotes - YouTube

Allport also held that Personality is not a mere bundle of unrelated traits, rather it embodies a unity, consistency and integration of traits. This integration work is accomplished by Self or Proprium which develops continuously from Infancy to Death moves through a series of Stages:

A)     Sense of Body: develops in the first 2 years of life. It has boundaries that pain and injury, touch and movement, make us aware of.

B)     Self-Identity: also develops in the first 2 years. There comes a point where we recognize ourselves as continuing, as having a past, present and future. We see ourselves as individual entities, separate and different from others.

C)     Self-Esteem: develops between 2 and 4 years old. There also comes a time when we recognize that we have value to others and to ourselves.

D)    Self-Extension: develops between 4 and 6. Certain things, people and events around us also come to be thought of as central 7 warm, essential to my existence. ‘My’ is very close to ‘me’!

E)      Self-Image: also develops between 4 and 6. This is the ‘looking-glass self’, the me as others see me. It is the beginning of what conscience, ideal self and persona.

F)      Rational Coping is learned predominantly in the years from 6 till 12. The child begins to develop his/her abilities to dwal with life’s problems rationally and effectively.

G)    Propriate Striving doesn’t usually begin till after 12 years old. It is the ability to sat that I am the Proprietor of my life, i.e the owner and operator!

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