Most of the Students who are pursuing Psychology are in confusion about the format or process or procedure following Internship.

We can provide you 10 Internship Case Reports:
A) COUNSELING - Rs. 1500/-
B) CLINICAL - Rs. 2000/-
WhatsApp: +91 7013965360
The below are the steps sequentially followed while making the Report:
1) Envelope of University
2) Certificate
3) Acknowledgement
4) Introduction (Purpose / Objectives)
5) Organization Profile
6) Consent Letter
7) Declaration Form
8) Record of External Visits
9) Table of Contents
10) Case Studies with Questionnaire - 10 Cases (Min. of 5 pages)
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 14 (for Headlines); 12 (for matter)
Guidelines for Internship:
1) Title Page: The report should have a title page that should include name of the leamer, enrolment number and year, regional centre, the name of the organisation/institute where the internship was carried out.
2) Profile of the Organisation/Institution:
Includes the details of the organisation institution like the main are of work, when the organisation was established or started, details about trustees, management, organisational structure, activities carried out and so on.
3) Questionnaires: This is not compulsory but it will be an added advantage of getting good marks.
Tests like
a) Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
b) Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A)
c) Multi-Phasic Quetionnaire (MPQ)
d) Wechsler Memory Scale Form-I
e) Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ-C)
f) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)
g) Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS)
h) Self - Evaluation Questionnaire
i) Stato-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults Scoring Key (Form Y-1, Y-2)
j) Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)
4) Details about interview of significant others, like parents, spouse, friends, colleagues, children etc. of Clients from whom the information was obtained can be included in case reports.
5) Individual cases included are such as absenteeism by an employee, alcoholism, problem behaviour, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc. or it can be related to activities related to processes like selection, performance appraisal, training, organisational culture etc.
6) Consent Letter duly signed by the agency supervisor (Appendix III).
7) Declaration form duly signed by the learner (Appendix I).
8) Certificate duly signed by the learner, academic counselor and agency supervisor (Appendix VIII).
9) Record of Visits/Activities carried by the learner (Appendix-IV).
Note: The learner should keep a photocopy of the Internship Report before submitting it.
10) Role of Agency Supervisor Guide: The supervisor should read all the cases submitted by the learner and then discuss the same with him/her. For this there is a need to schedule a learner-supervisor conference as and when needed.
The supervisor can also give the learner some materials to read if necessary and point out the errors as well as the correctness of the interview and whether the skills required were present in the interview that she conducted.
The supervisor may also give suggestions with regard to Human Resource Practices studied and observed by the learner.
11) Sample Case Reports: If you need a sample case study, Email me along with your name, mobile no., enrollment no. and place to:
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