Thursday, August 8, 2024

Egan's Skilled Helper Model

Gerard Egan's Skilled Helper Model is a framework designed to guide counselors and therapists through a structured process to help clients effectively address and resolve their issues. The model is divided into three stages, each with specific goals and tasks, aimed at empowering clients to find their own solutions and develop their problem-solving skills.

Overview of Egan's Skilled Helper Model

The model consists of three main stages:

  1. Exploration (Current Scenario)
  2. Understanding (Preferred Scenario)
  3. Action (Action Strategies)

Stage 1: Exploration (Current Scenario)

Goal: Help the client clarify and explore their issues.


  1. Establish a Therapeutic Relationship:

    • Build trust and rapport with the client.
    • Create a safe, non-judgmental space for the client to share their thoughts and feelings.
  2. Encourage Client to Tell Their Story:

    • Use active listening skills to understand the client's perspective.
    • Ask open-ended questions to help the client elaborate on their experiences.
  3. Identify and Clarify Key Issues:

    • Help the client pinpoint specific problems or concerns.
    • Reflect back what the client is saying to ensure understanding and help the client gain insight.


  • Active listening
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing
  • Reflecting feelings

Stage 2: Understanding (Preferred Scenario)

Goal: Help the client envision their desired outcome and set goals.


  1. Encourage the Client to Explore Possibilities:

    • Help the client imagine how they would like their situation to be different.
    • Encourage brainstorming and thinking creatively about solutions.
  2. Develop a Clear Vision of the Preferred Scenario:

    • Assist the client in defining their goals and what success looks like to them.
    • Break down broad goals into specific, achievable objectives.
  3. Evaluate Options and Choose Goals:

    • Discuss the feasibility and implications of different options.
    • Help the client prioritize their goals and select the most important ones to pursue.


  • Visioning exercises
  • Goal-setting techniques
  • Exploring pros and cons
  • Stage 3: Action (Action Strategies)

    Goal: Help the client develop and implement action plans to achieve their goals.


    1. Develop Action Plans:

      • Collaborate with the client to create step-by-step plans for achieving their goals.
      • Ensure the plans are realistic, specific, and measurable.
    2. Identify Resources and Supports:

      • Help the client identify internal and external resources they can draw upon.
      • Discuss potential obstacles and how to overcome them.
    3. Implement and Monitor Action Plans:

      • Support the client in taking action and making progress toward their goals.
      • Regularly review and adjust the plans as needed.


    • Action planning
    • Problem-solving strategies
    • Monitoring and review sessions.


Egan's Skilled Helper Model provides a structured framework for counseling that emphasizes client empowerment and self-efficacy. By guiding clients through the stages of exploration, understanding, and action, counselors can help clients gain insight into their problems, envision positive outcomes, and develop practical strategies for achieving their goals. The model is flexible and can be adapted to various counseling contexts and client needs, making it a valuable tool for both novice and experienced practitioners.

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